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Therapy Dog Zoey Zare

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Zoey is a very kind, smart and well behaved dog. She is very well trained and listens to all commands. She is trained on a short leach and walks closely to me. However, most of the time, she is ok with me holding her. She is a great friend and an amazing therapy dog, she helps me a great deal! Thanks to her, my anxiety is under control and she makes me want to get out of the house and do more things with her. Zoey is a very happy god, amazingly gentle, loves people and loves to be out and socialize. I am now walking more which I needed for my mental health and general health in order to help me cope with my back injury. Zoey is a life saver and a great emotional partner. She comforts me and distracts me from my pain, she changes the mood of the house to be more positive. I love her immensely 😍

Location: Gloucester, Ontario
Registration Number: 2929
Breed: Bichon Shih Tzu
Organization: No
Zoey Zare's Owner
Abir Khalil

I am a 42 year old women with a spinal injury. I had undergone surgery in December of 2018 for spinal stenosis and disc decompression. I have a degenerative issue and nerve damage that caused weakness in my left leg and reduced sensation in L1-2 which causes me to have balance and pain issues. I am suffering from chronic pain, anxiety and depression due to my condition.